Manifested in a willingness to sacrifice to protect its territory from a variety of threats and threats. Nasionalism is a feeling of pride and participate in having a certain territory. Uji efektivitas diperoleh dari hasil uji-t berpasangan yang menunjukkan bahwa buku ajar ini mampu meningkatkan kemampuan secara signifikan. Ketiga hasil tersebut menunjukkan bahwa buku ajar yang dikembangkan sangat valid dan dapat diimplementasikan. Hasil uji validitas oleh sembilan validator diperoleh persentase validasi materi 96,89%, validasi media 92,37% dan validasi pembelajaran lapangan 97,21%. Inovasi buku PPKn ini dikemas secara interaktif dengan menggunakan teknologi augmented reality dan quick reality code (QR-code) yang semakin diminati sebagai media edukasi di negara maju dan modern. The effectiveness test was obtained from the results of paired t-tests measured that this textbook was able to improve abilities significantly.Abstrak: Penelitian ini dibuat untuk memenuhi kebutuhan buku ajar PPKn di Sekolah Menengah Kejuruan dengan menggunakan pendekatan pembelajaran berbasis kehidupan. These three results indicate that the developed textbook is very valid and can be implemented. The results of the validity test by 9 validators obtained a percentage of material validation of 96.89%, media validation of 92.37% and validation of field learning 97.21%.

This PPKn book innovation is packaged interactively by using augmented reality and quick reality code (QR-code) technology which are increasingly in demand as educational media in developed and modern countries. This research was made to meet the needs of PPKn teaching books in Vocational High Schools using a life-based learning approach.